Halloween is upon us, everyone. Kids in spooky costumes going door to door or going trunk or treating. Adults stressing over what costume the kids will wear and hoping they don’t change their minds yet again. Making sure to buy the “right” candy that kids will enjoy. After all, no one wants to be the person to buy the “wrong” candy, right? The candy in orange and black wax paper comes to mind. Yuck!
I don’t usually buy candy to hand out to eager trick-or-treaters. Not because I don’t want to hand out candy. I just happen to be out and about myself taking my son trick-or-treating. The last two years, I’ve taken him around my parents’ street because they live on a cul-de-sac, which was perfect for his little legs. This year will be a trek around our new neighborhood for as long as he can walk.
Getting Into Dressing Up!
When I was a kid, no Halloween was complete without getting super excited for my costume, which was usually either Wednesday Addams or a fairy. I had to be one or the other. Wednesday Addams was the easiest because it was just dressing in black and braiding my long dark hair. However, most people didn’t know who I was unless I told them.
While we’d get ready for Halloween, or when we returned to the house with our confectionary treasure, my brothers and I would watch “The Adventures of Icabod Crane” on TV. I vividly remembered the animation – beanpole Icabod with his cartoonishly large nose and the evil cackle of the Headless Horseman. Over the years, I’ve talked to people about this cartoon, and very few remember it or even watched it. Imagine my excitement when I found it on DVD at a Target in Lubbock, Texas, almost 10 years ago, and how happy I am to see it on Disney+ now. I put it on for my son recently, and he could’ve cared less. I’ll try it on him again in a couple years.
Decorating The House To Get Into The Spirit
I also remember as a kid that we would hang up our Halloween decorations around the house. We didn’t have many, but we always put them up while listening to a cassette tape with spooky sounds to get in the mood. If that doesn’t give you an idea of how old I am, I don’t know what does.
Halloween is just like other holidays – filled with tradition. Every family does their own things when it comes to decorations, costumes, and parties. What does your family do for All Hallows Eve? What your plans for the day?
The team members with Albuquerque Plumbing Heating & Cooling will be taking our kids trick-or-treating and possibly enjoying some adult fun without the kids. We’ll be having fun and then showing up bright and early for work the next day. After all, we need to help our Albuquerque neighbors ready for the holiday season, and we’re ready for that too!