2021 is coming to an end this week, and 2020 is disappearing further and further into the background. And thank goodness for that! I’m sure everyone can agree with me that we’re happy to forget 2020 ever happened.
I’m also sure that a lot of people would agree with me that this holiday season, and New Year’s, doesn’t feel like it usually does. For starters, it’s unseasonably warm outside. Another thing – no one really seems to be in the mood for Christmas or watching the ball drop. I can’t remember the last time I was able to stay awake and watch the countdown to midnight and then promptly take my tired butt to bed afterwards. Maybe I’m old, or maybe I just don’t see the appeal in staying up late to be somewhat let down by the nothingness that comes with the new year.
Remember The Millenium?
Remember when 2000 rolled around and we were all afraid of Y2K? And do you remember the letdown of when the clock struck midnight and absolutely nothing happened? That’s pretty much how I feel every year. It’s just not as exciting as when I was a kid. I think it’s because I had a bedtime, and I was convinced at a young age that something amazing happened when midnight rolled around. Boy was that a rip.
Nowadays, I do my best to stay up until midnight. I haven’t been to a New Year’s party in over a decade, and I don’t drink champagne that night either. And, I don’t usually have anyone to help me drink it, so why open a whole bottle just for me?
I know what you’re probably thinking. What do I do on New Year’s Eve? Well, if my son is with me, he goes to bed at his bedtime, and I try to stay up watching a movie or shows. I might cook something for a late dinner and then relax on the couch or in bed while watching something on Netflix. If I’m successful, just before midnight I’ll put on a TV channel with the ball dropping, watch it go down and then drag my exhausted butt to bed.
Riveting, I know.
New Years Is More Than Just Partying
But New Years is more than parties and staying up late. It has a different feeling than the rest of the year. It’s a time when everyone can reflect on the year they’re leaving behind, what they’re proud of and what they wished they’d done differently – or better. They’re hopeful and think about what they want to change in their life and how they can achieve those goals. In short, they look forward to the fresh start the new year brings.
The team members with Albuquerque Plumbing Heating & Cooling are looking forward to another new year and what it will bring. We are excited to celebrate one more year together, and we’re happy to be celebrating it as a team and as a community.
From our family to yours, have a happy and safe New Year’s! We’ll see you in 2022!