March is Womens History Month. When I started to reflect on what that meant to me, it brought me back to my adolescence. The first thought that came to mind is something the Spice Girls said throughout their reign of the pop world in the 90s – “Girl Power!”
History is riddled with strong, amazing and powerful women who showed what they could accomplish in a man’s world. Susan B. Anthony, Amelia Earhart, Anne Frank, Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, and Katharine Johnson – just to give you a short list. Each one of these women changed the world in their own way. Whether it was politics, science, human rights, art and literature, or even kindness, they faced difficulties in changing the world for the better.
But how did Women’s History Month come to be? Originally, it began in the early 1980s as one week in March dedicated to the contributions made by women. Ever since then, Congress has passed resolutions to designate the month of March as Women’s History Month.
Before I move forward in this blog, I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least mention International Women’s Day. It took place for the first time on March 8, 1911 and has been recognized on the same day every year since. Originally, this day wasn’t intended as a feel-good day to honor women and their achievements. Rather, it was born out of protests and fighting for labor rights. Even though the United Nations officially recognized the special day in the mid-70s, it actually traces back to 1908 during the New York City garment workers’ strike. This protest lasted more than a year, where thousands of women demanded the right to vote and to protest their working conditions.
I’m going to drop a line here that I never say nor write. “You go girl!”
Women In 2022
Now, let’s flash forward to 2022. We now have women working in the trades, playing professional sports, such as soccer, tennis, and even football. Heck, women are working on Capitol Hill for Congress and even in the White House as Vice President! Talk about the leaps and bounds made by women!
To be fair, our fight isn’t over. Women are still fighting for equal pay, and for the respect of their male counterparts in multiple areas of life. We’ve come a long way, but there’s still a journey ahead of us.
The ladies with Albuquerque Plumbing Heating & Cooling are grateful for the hard work and dedication put in by the generations of women across our country. Without them, we wouldn’t be where we are now. Every day we proudly support girl power on our team with our female apprentices and the ladies who work in our office.
So, let’s celebrate Women’s History Month by honoring the women who persevered to bring about change for the women of today and tomorrow. How do we do that? We begin by reflecting on the strides made by the women who have made our world and our lives better, when it was most likely incredibly difficult for them. It is their hard work and determination which has paved the way for today’s women and will continue to do so for years to come.