We’re all on a path to self-improvement in one way or another. It could be eating better and making sure to exercise more, reading more, being better about cleaning the house, keeping their desk organized, and other things.
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t one of those people who’s always looking for something to improve in myself. I always say I’m going to eat better and exercise, and I do okay for a hot minute. Then, before you know it, I’m back to eating the foods that I shouldn’t and being a couch potato. In my defense though, the bad food shouldn’t taste so darn good.
I’ve also been making more of an effort to read more. Over the years, I’ve come to learn that I can’t stay awake at night long enough to really read a book. Now that I have a kiddo in school, I drive from one end of town to the other, then work full-time…I’m tired at the end of the day. But I manage to squeeze in some reading during the middle of the day while I’m parked in the school pick up line. If I can read on the weekends, I’m excited.
September Is Always Self-Improvement Month
September is Self-Improvement Month, and it’s a time to reflect on how we’ve come along in our personal goals and analyze what it takes to get where we want with our new and current goals.
For example, have you been aspiring to a promotion and have been looking at what it takes to get that highly sought-after position? Does it take longer hours? Taking on more tasks at the office? Take a step back to see what you’ve accomplished and then see what still needs to happen to get that coveted position and possible office.
The First Step In Self-Improvement Is Careul Introspection
Regardless of your personal goals towards self-improvement, the first step is looking inward on what needs improvement. This is not only scary but honest. This type of introspection can be intimidating because it’s forcing you to really look at things in your life as they currently are and where you want them to be.
Setting goals for yourself is important for your growth. You can set one professional and one personal goal, as well as a deadline for when you’d want those goals to be accomplished. From there, you can create your plan on how to achieve what you want, and you can also check in with yourself periodically on your progress. Remember – change doesn’t happen overnight.
Many of our team members with Albuquerque Plumbing Heating & Cooling work on self-improvement. They’re a group of goal setters and go-getters, and they don’t stop until they achieve their goals. All that hard work pays off and they achieve their goals. While it may feel like it takes a while for them, the end result is a great one.
Take Your Time
If there’s something you want to accomplish during Self-Improvement month, don’t be afraid to take a hard look at things and make strides towards your goals. Don’t hesitate just because it might take more time than you’d like ideally. The greatest rewards can come from putting in the work and being patient. Who knows? A goal you set today could completely change your life by next year. And that could be amazing!