A day dedicated to bringing awareness about the lack of adequate plumbing for many people. When it comes to World Plumbing Day, The More You Know, the better.
In 2010 the World Plumbing Council declared March 11th World Plumbing Day. If you haven’t heard of it, don’t feel bad. But The More You Know, the more you can help bring awareness to this topic.
If you think about the people that don’t have plumbing, the image of a remote village in a third world country may come to mind. The truth is 1.7 million people living right here in America are living without running water and/or reliable plumbing. Native Americans living on reservation land account for a large portion of this statistic. Considering Albuquerque Plumbing, Heating, & Cooling is close to multiple reservations, this problem is close to our hearts.
Most of us are so used to properly running water and waste systems, that we probably don’t consider how convenient it really is. It’s not that we mean to take it for granted; it’s just that we’re fortunate enough to live in an area where it is the norm. However, proper plumbing and water supplies are not just for our comfort alone.
The biggest benefit of proper plumbing is the sanitation safety that it provides. If you’ve ever had even one toilet back up, you know how important it is to get waste removed from your home. Improper sanitation and waste removal can spread disease, and contaminate an already limited water supply. Again, this is a problem right here in America, not just far away countries.
So, on March 11th there will be conferences and summits held worldwide to discuss this urgent topic. If you would like to make an impact closer to home consider the DigDeep campaign. This organization is helping to bring running water and adequate plumbing to our Native American neighbors.