Lots of things tend to increase during this time of year ~ spending, parties, houseguests, and cookies eaten (to name a few). But most people don’t realize that home energy usage can also see a considerable spike. So while it’sdecorating with lights and entertaining family and friends is lovely, the surge in your monthly bills may leave you with a holiday hangover. So here are some ways to help reduce energy use while having a wonderfully merry time.
Saving Energy With Your Lights
Go LED ~ Switching your decorative lights to LED ones will save significant energy. Many stores already have them on clearance, so if you couldn’t change them out for this year, get a jump start on your energy conservation for next time.
Timing is Everything ~ Your lights must be on from sundown until bedtime. Not only does turning lights off after 3-4 hours save you money, but it’s also safer!
Ambiance ~ Put those holiday candles and new LED lights to good use. Set them up so you can turn off the overhead lights and enjoy the warm glow.
Holiday Energy-Saving Tips for the Kitchen
Think Outside the Oven ~ This is a great time to pull out your crockpot, toaster oven, or instant pot. Using the smallest appliance to get the job done saves energy (and could save time as well).
Combine Cleverly ~ When using the oven, plan for dishes that require the same temperature and cooking time. Or make one big casserole to feed the whole group (you’ll save energy again when there’s only one pan to wash).
Forget the Fridge ~ Nothing gobbles up energy like a guest standing with the refrigerator door open, deciding what to drink. Instead, place coolers or tubs near or outside a door full of drinks and ice. This way, guests can help themselves to a beverage without increasing their utility bill.
Saving Energy in Other Areas of Your Home
Lower the ‘Stat ~ As the number of guests in the house increases, the thermostat can go down. With the extra body heat (and cooking heat), you should be able to lower the temp in your house by a couple of degrees. It doesn’t seem like much, but it can add to the energy savings.
Water Heater ~ Ensure that the temperature on your water heater is not set any higher than 120 degrees. Any hotter, and you’re just wasting energy. Also, take the time to insulate the water heater. Both of these things can help lower your energy output.
Unplug It ~ If you’re leaving town, it’s understandable that you would want some lights on a timer. But make sure to unplug those hidden energy suckers. TVs, computers, routers, and appliances that won’t be used should be unplugged while you’re away.
Albuquerque Plumbing Heating & Cooling hopes you have a wonderful holiday season and will help you conserve energy during the holidays!
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- Albuquerque electricians
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