Easter is just a few short days away, and I’m nowhere near ready. I have a messy house and no candy to put in the plastic eggs in the basket. And yes, I’m doing plastic eggs because they’re reusable and real eggs are still too darn expensive these days.
In my defense, it’s been a busy week. I won’t go into the details, but there’s still things to be done to get ready for Easter. Not only do I need to buy the candy, but I also need to arrange the basket for my son. Hiding the basket and contents has been a trick too. Parenting, am I right?
On top of that, we’re going to my parents’ house for the holiday, where we’re going to have dinner and most likely watch movies. If we weren’t doing going to my parents’ house this weekend, I’m not sure I would have any other plans besides cleaning and hanging out at the house.
Thankfully, there’s plenty of activities for families to do around the metro area this weekend for Easter that can get them out of the house. Easter egg hunts will take place in various parks this weekend, with lots of kids eagerly looking for fun treats inside colorful eggs. Let’s not forget taking pictures with the Easter bunny at the malls around the metro area too.
The team with Albuquerque Plumbing Heating & Cooling is looking forward to the various festivities of Easter, whether it’s hunting for eggs in the yard, spending time with the family or going to a church service. What matters is that everyone is together to celebrate.
Whatever plans you and your family have this weekend, we hope you have a great Easter holiday and that the kids don’t eat too much candy.