Water is one of the most valuable commodities on the planet. Despite the fact that the Earth’s surface is nearly 70% covered in water, there is a lot less potable and clean water available. A lot of that goes down the drains of your sinks, showers, bathtubs, and toilets on a daily basis. Not only does that lead to water shortages, but you end up paying a higher water bill at the end of the month.
Try these simple tricks to reduce your water bill:
Use low-flow shower heads –The shower is one of the easiest and most cost effective places to decrease water use. Depending on the model you choose it is possible to get additional features such as massage and self-cleaning. Water efficient shower heads can save around $135–$200 annually on household water bills. The reduction in hot water means less energy is needed for water heating and up to $230 a year can be saved on energy bills depending on the type of water heating system.
Use a low-flush toilet – Did you know that a toilet uses up to 7 gallons of water per flush? If you’re just flushing pee, that’s a lot of water being wasted over very little. With a low-flush toilet, you use just 1-2 gallons per flush. That’s a lot less water being wasted, but your toilets still flush all waste matter just fine.
Reuse grey water – Grey water is anything that isn’t truly dirty, such as the water from your kitchen sink, bathtub, or dishwasher. This water may contain organic particles (from food or your body), but it’s not dirty like toilet water. You can collect it and use it to flush toilets or water your garden. It’s a great way to reduce water usage!
Use dish buckets – The amount of water you waste when washing dishes will blow your mind! Using dish basins or buckets to wash dishes may seem antiquated, but it’s far less wasteful than using a dishwasher or letting the water run as you wash.
Run full loads – When washing laundry, make sure to ONLY run a load if the machine is full. A small load will only use a little less water than a full load, meaning a lot of water is going to waste every time the laundry machine runs. Fill it up before you run any loads, and you’ll cut back on water usage.
Fix drips – Even minor leaks in your showers, baths, sinks, or faucets can cost you a lot of money in the long run, and lets a lot of water run down the drain. Fix drips and leaks at the first sign of damage!
These tips are incredibly simple, but they’re cost effective in that they don’t cost a lot but can save you a lot of money over the years. Plus, they’re a great way to go green and conserve water!