Hey there, fellow parents! How are you hanging in there? Are you able to keep your sanity with the kiddos being home from school and with you ALL DAY LONG? This blogger has a sneaking suspicion that you might be hiding away whenever possible to get just one minute of peace and quiet. As a parent of a toddler, I find myself letting out an audible sigh of relief every time they go down for a nap or go to bed.
You may have exhausted every creative idea or project for your kids to do in the first week of this quarantine. Or maybe they’ve been watching movies, TV or YouTube, reading books and asking you every question they can think of. You may have run out of ideas on what you can do to keep them busy and out of your hair for five minutes. I know, I know. That ain’t gonna happen.
By the way, how do kids watch YouTube for hours on end? Anyone? Bueller?
Try Educational TV
Anyway, if your kids want to watch TV, PBS is running educational programming Mondays through Fridays on channel 5.1. Sure, PBS is notoriously educational, but the catch here is that they’re airing different subjects during each hour. For example, Albuquerque Public Schools are teaching 4th & 5th grade English Fundamentals from 11 am until noon each day. Educational shows from APS via PBS begin airing as early as 8 am every day. Check out newmexicopbs.org to see the lineup of classes for your kids to watch.
Check Out Educational Sites On The World Wide Web
If the “boob tube” isn’t your cup of tea for keeping your children entertained, there are always educational websites like ABCmouse.com to help expand their education and keep them engaged. Fair warning to you parents and those keeping an eye on their pennies, there’s a cost to join, and it starts at $9.95 per month. If you’re looking to save a buck and look for the freebies (that’s how I roll), scholastic.com is offering free resources for Pre-K through 9th grade.
Get Outside (But Keep Your Distance)
If you’re looking for something more active and getting your kids moving, many people are taking their kids for walks and bike rides while making sure to maintain a six-foot space between themselves and strangers.
Try Something New Indoors
Don’t rule out indoor activities, either. I know what you’re thinking, “What more can I do inside? Haven’t we done it all?” Maybe, and maybe not. You could try playing hide-and-seek, having a dance/karaoke party, or perhaps a fashion show. Here’s a daring suggestion: try bowling with the coveted toilet paper. Can you spare a roll for some fun?
Many of you out there are pretty crafty and maybe want to make your own hand sanitizer or Play-Doh. Luckily for you, the City of Los Lunas has put together a video of different things you can make from home to keep your family safe and entertained. Check out this link:
Remember, Albuquerque Plumbing Heating & Cooling Is Open And Here To Help With Your Home Service Needs
While you’re having fun or staying busy during the quarantine, and your home needs care, you can still contact the professionals with Albuquerque Plumbing Heating & Cooling. We’re doing our part while you’re doing yours. We will take care of your plumbing, HVAC, or electrical needs while wearing gloves and booties and keeping our distance of at least six feet of you and your loved ones. In the meantime, hang in there, and this will hopefully be over soon.