What are your plans for Labor Day weekend? Besides possibly sleeping in on your paid day off from work, what are you doing? Are you having a BBQ? Or are you getting caught up on housework?
I will be the first to admit that I sleep in as much as possible on Labor Day, but then I end up cleaning the house. Dusting, vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen – you name it. I’m cleaning something, and it’s usually after my kid just came through making a bigger mess than before.
I also usually check in with my parents if they’re going to have a BBQ or cookout of some kind at their house. I love going to their house for a heaping helping of grilled burgers and hot dogs, potato salad, watermelon or maybe even BBQ ribs. The family will usually look at each other and wonder if there’s dessert, and then realize we don’t have room for anything sweet.
Leftover Fireworks Are Fun!
Maybe a neighbor will light some leftover fireworks from the 4th of July, or maybe the day ends on a quiet note. Most years, my Labor Day weekend has ended on an uneventful note while I held onto the last hot moments of the summer.
Do you remember from your school days why we have Labor Day off every year? It’s to recognize the contributions the working man has made to America’s growth and prosperity. Honestly, after the year we had in 2020, and even the rough start we had to 2021, I’d say all American workers deserve a day to honor their hard work. Especially all the essential workers who went to work every day during the pandemic and brought home the bacon for their families.
The team with Albuquerque Plumbing Heating & Cooling will be spending time with our families on Labor Day, or just hanging out at home. Regardless, we’ll be happy to have the day off. We hope you enjoy your day off, and spend it the way you want to!