It’s definitely warming up here in Albuquerque. We’re lucky to live in an area where evaporative, or “swamp” coolers are an option. Let us help you Maintain and Lengthen the Life of Your Swamp Cooler.
If you haven’t already, you’ll likely be starting up your swamp cooler soon for another summer season. As with other engine driven things, it will need some maintenance to be in optimal running condition. Here are thing things you need to do to Maintain and Lengthen the Life of Your Swamp Cooler:
To Get It Going
- Before you turn it on for the first time remove the panels and clean out any debris in the water pan.
- Check the fan belt to see if it has adequate tension. It shouldn’t move much more than an inch.
- Lubricate the blower assembly bearing and motor, ensuring the oil level for the motor is appropriate.
- Make sure the cooler pads are in good shape. If they look worn or ratty, replace them.
- Turn on the cooler motor and pump to test if the cooler pads are absorbing water evenly.
- Check for any cracks, holes, or other damage in the casing and other visible parts.
Many of these things you can do on your own. But if you want or need Albuquerque Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling to come out and do a pre-summer inspection, we’d be happy to.
To Keep It Going
- Turn on the water pump five minutes before turning on the fan. This process will saturate the pads first, and make your cooler more efficient.
- Use ceiling fans to help circulate the cool air.
- Check the water to make ensure that it is at the proper level in the tray. The water line should be a little below the top of the tray, with the top of the overflow pipe sticking out of the water.
- Check the condition of the cooler pads. Clean pads equal greater efficiency.
These things will need to be done throughout the summer to ensure your unit is running well. These checks can also detect any problems early on. As with any system in your home a bit of effort and care can really help it last longer.