While others are vowing to trim their waistline, why not Resolve to Be More Energy Efficient in 2019 by trimming your utility bills this year.
There are many options when it comes to setting a New Year’s Resolution. Some will pledge to get healthier, and others will promise to save more money. What they may not realize is that, in a way, they can do both by making their home more energy efficient this year.
A home that uses less energy is not only a healthier environment for those that live there, but helps contribute to a healthier environment for everyone. An energy efficient home will also save the owner money from lower utility bills. Albuquerque Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling has some excellent tips for increasing the energy efficiency of your home.
- Insulation ~ Ensure that there is proper insulation in your attic and your walls. This keeps the heat in during the winter and out during the summer. We are now an exclusive certified Aeroseal
- Windows ~ While it may not be feasible (or even necessary) for you to replace all your windows, properly done weatherstripping will go a long way in sealing possible air leaks.
- Trees/Shrubs/Awning ~ When spring comes around, it’s a great time to plant trees or shrubs that will provide some shading for your home. You could also consider installing some awnings above larger windows for keeping the direct sun out during the hot summer months.
- Furnace ~ This is one of the bigger investments but will return the greatest benefits. A new furnace will run at optimum efficiency, wasting less fuel/electricity and costing you much less over the years.
- Hot Water Heater ~ Turn the thermostat to no more than 120 degrees and insulate the hot water lines as well as the unit itself.
- Light Bulbs ~ Switch all your bulbs to the compact fluorescent kind. They may cost a bit more initially but they will last much longer and use much less energy.
- Tax Incentives ~ To help offset the cost of some of these upgrades check the tax incentives that are available for your state.
Some of these things you can easily do yourself. For the other options let one of our certified technicians help. We can walk through your home and offer the suggestions that will benefit you most within your budget. Then, we can perform any of the necessary updates.
We’d love to be your partner in making your home (and world) a little healthier, and save you some money as well!
Please call with any questions or to schedule a home visit! 505-349-4404