The Daylight Savings time change can be a bit of a pain. But it can also be a good reminder for other things that it’s Time to Change Again!
Chances are, that the morning of Sunday, March 11th, you’ll spend some time resetting the clocks in your home. Daylight Savings starts at midnight that day. Chances also are, that there are some other things around the house that could use checking. Use this time of year as a good reminder to think about anything else in your home that it’s Time to Change Again!
While the time change is necessary, there may be home maintenance tasks that have gone undone. It’s easy to put these things off because they don’t have the immediate need that accurate time does. That is, until you need them. Albuquerque Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling has an easy checklist of other things to consider this time of year besides your clocks.
- Change Your Batteries: smoke alarms, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, flashlights, and any other device in your home that is used for an emergency situation
- Check Your Tanks: water, gas, propane, sewer – do a quick look to make sure whichever tanks you have at your house are full and not leaking
- Change/Clean Your Filters: refrigerator, water pitcher, air, humidifier, washer/dryer – most of these should be done monthly (or more)
- Check Your Plan – have a family meeting to discuss and rehearse emergency drills and safety plans that are specific to your home
- Change Your Bulbs – since the ladder will probably be out anyway, consider changing over to more energy efficient light bulbs
- Check Your Fire Extinguisher – ensure that it is not expired, the pressure is good, and everyone in the home knows where they are located (there should be at least one per floor)
We know that caring for a home is a lot of work, and disasters can happen. However, taking the time for some of the things listed above can help to prevent an emergency or help you get through one.